
I was a  reluctant writer! I’d find endless chores to accomplish before sitting down to a blank page or screen. And what I learned was that procrastination is the bane of my writer’s spirit. I told myself, “I’m miserable when I’m writing and even more miserable when I’m not!” I’ve also learned that writing doesn’t have to be painful as the perfectionist in me discovered. Oh, I wanted my prose to be perfect from the outset! But, I’ve learned that getting started is half the battle. Mark Twain stated it so simply, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” So every day I start anew and, if I never get ahead, well, at least I’ve started!!

My Passion

My passion lies in telling stories that inspire the reader. We all have a purpose in this world, and I believe mine is to communicate with words. I write grants to raise money for a nonprofit that feeds, clothes and shelters the poor and homeless. I write novels and screenplays to reveal universal truths from real lives or fictional worlds. But, most importantly, I write to the Holy Sprit for inspiration before any other words spill out on a page or computer screen. Every day is a call to conversion and seeking a better world. It can start with small, seemingly insignificant steps, but they amount to transformation for myself and how I view my world. I want to make it a better place, and it starts with me!

My Goals

My goals, right now, are to complete my novel series and produce films that I’ve written or that have meaning to me. Stay tuned! I’m just getting started!! Please tell me your goals! I’d love to hear from you!!