Sizing it Up
I’m a relentless reader! I push forward with a book to the end, sometimes what feels like the bitter end! Okay, maybe I’ve given up on a handful of books […]
I’m a relentless reader! I push forward with a book to the end, sometimes what feels like the bitter end! Okay, maybe I’ve given up on a handful of books […]
Writers recognize the power of similes and metaphors. They are like flexed muscles in storytelling! Years ago, I wrote a children’s picture book called “Park Pageantry.” The protagonist, Eliza, a
A good hook compels the reader to engage in a story. A great hook heightens the sensory and/or emotional tie that keeps a reader fastened to the pages or screen.
We write characters that have personality quirks and all the things that make them unique. If not, they come across as stock types, stereotypical constructs that may mouth the words
In writing, voice is everything. It’s the music, rhythm and lyricism of the words. It touches the essence of storytelling. The discovery and/or development of voice can be simple or
A Distinctive Voice Read More »
If all goes well, my second novel in a series is weeks away from publication! YAY!!! The series will include five books as I envisioned after writing the first, UNEARTHING
The Series Success Read More »
As a writer, I like structure and logical sequence to stories. In my mind, abstract notions belong on an artist’s canvas, not on a book’s sheets of paper or electronic
A writer without a goal won’t write. Whether it’s the goal of a hundred words a week or a few thousand words a day, there must be some internal incentive
As a writer, I am a plotter with the heart of a pantser, so I consider myself a hybrid version—a plantser. The plotter part of me stems from years as
A Plotting Pantser Read More »
The famous quote attributed to Sherlock Holmes, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” was never written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or uttered by the wildly popular detective in any of the